Diablo 3 - Wheel of Misfortune

Achievement: Wheel of Misfortune

You will need to encounter the 10 different outcome when you trigger the Ancient Device in Desolate Sands to complete this achievement.

There are 2 possible spawn points for the Ancient Device. One at the bottom of the map or at the top of the map (refer to below image for a clearer idea)

There are a few ways to get to Desolate Sands.
  • From Ancient Path Waypoint and ran north along the path to Desolate Sands.
  • Directly from Desolate Sands Waypoint.
Well, if you are grinding for this achievement, the fastest possible way to do it could be this:
  • Create game (any mode) Act 2, Chapter 8 - The Black Soulstone, Third quest - Soulstone Chamber
  • Get to Ancient Path Waypoint and ran up to Desolate Sands.
  • You will acquire a Checkpoint at the Desolate Sands entrance.
  • Run northwest until you hit the center.
  • If you didn't encounter the Ancient Device spawn, leave game and resume. You will be loaded at the Checkpoint at the Desolate Sands entrance. 
  • Keep grinding until you get all the 10 different occurrences.

I am still trying to complete this achievement not by grinding but from farming elites at Inferno. Below are some of the different occurrences that I had encountered. Have fun completing this achievement.

Resplendent Chest
Ancient Urn
Diseased Bodies
Slain Merchant
The Fowl Lair
 Champion Bone Warriors Pack
The Veiled Treasure
(Found 2 resplendent chests and a goblin)

The last 2 with I didn't get a screenshot:
  • Vile Swarms
  • Guardian of the Veiled Treasure

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